Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reality Setting In

Pain, like slivers in the foot of a child
Reminds me of where we’ve come to.
Sure they ache and hurt and I cry,
But it happened during something
That should have been fun.

Ice, like daggers dangling from the roof
Reflects the light of memories dancing
All the times we’ve had play in the glass
But I realize they are all gone – over – now
And won’t come back.

Sorry, like an over-worn slipper or sock
Sticks in my parched, ineffective throat
The gap between us an insufferable chasm
But maybe saying it will help the pain
Or at least soothe my soul.

Goodbye, I guess, is all that’s left to do
Glimmering with thanks for fun and all
Sinking with the break that brought us here
But maybe goodbye is not a permanent thing
Maybe tomorrow will come.

1 comment:

MadPotter89 said...

I like this, did you write it? If so, do you write poetry often? It's a very bittersweet poem, you write in a way that I sense the level discomfort, which has these bits of fantastic reflection and positive memories tied in.